Case studies for Education Lecturers

Pearson - Teacher - Learning Dynamics
Pearson - Becoming a teacher
Pearson - Handbook for Grade R Teaching

What topics are covered?

  • Professional practice
  • Inclusion in classrooms
  • Classroom management
  • Instructional practice in classrooms
  • Beliefs about and approaches to teaching
  • Interpersonal relationships among staff, learners and administrators


  • Short (1 500 words) and long (3 000 words) case studies accompanied by 4 - 8 questions
  • Based on actual scenarios in real schools (identities changed to protect individuals)
  • Podcasts and whiteboard animations of teachers’ experience of professional practice in a diverse range of school settings accompanied by questions to aid classroom discussion.

Case Studies

You Have Crossed the Line - This sample written case study explores professional conduct, interpersonal relationships and approaches to teaching.

  Sample podcast - A teacher (Lionel) provides advice on how to deal with social problems in schools. Listen to the podcast and then answer the following questions:


Questions for discussion

  1. What advice does Lionel give prospective students regarding social problems at schools?
  2. Consider any advice you may suggest to a teacher who has joined the profession and is teaching at a school with many social problems.
  3. In your view, what is the role of the Department of Basic Education in addressing the social problem of violence in schools?

View the whiteboard animation below which depicts the dilemma of a young school teacher and then answer the questions that follow:

Young School Teacher Dilemma
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Questions for discussion

  1. Discuss the main theme of the case study.
  2. How else could the principal have responded to the complaints raised by Ramon’s mother?
  3. How do you think Bongi decided to handle his dilemma at school the next day?

Cases offer an effective way to explore highly perplexing challenges in education, especially the decisions that teachers and administrators make. Through discussion and conversation, those studying the cases are able to explore the case situation holding the context constant in order to examine the issues more deeply.

Being a Teacher: A book of cases (Pearson, 2013)