Case studies for Nursing Lecturers

Pearson - The nursing unit manager
Pearson - An Introduction to the Ethos of Nursing
Pearson - Nursing Dynamics

What topics are covered?

  • Professional and clinical practice
  • Ethics
  • Nursing Management


  • Short (1 500 words) and long (3 000 words) case studies accompanied by 4 - 8 questions
  • A summary of the key concepts, a depiction of the scenario and questions to guide discussion of the key concept
  • Based on actual scenarios in real healthcare settings (identities changed to protect individuals)
  • Discussion points to stimulate classroom engagement.

Case Studies

Nursing Professional Practice - This case study explores professional practice in an under-resourced hospital in the Eastern Cape:

Nursing Ethical Dilemma - This case study explores an ethical dilemma at a provincial hospital ward.

Professor Katherine Merseth of the Harvard Graduate School of Education provides advice on how to use cases studies in small classes.

Nursing Education
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A good case should illustrate the uncertainty and doubt, pitfalls and fallibility that are part and parcel of decision-making.

- Christer Stensmo