Changing Education Dynamics


"Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world." This quote from the late, great Nelson Mandela summarises how many people working at Pearson feel about the vital role that education plays. As a company, we're passionate about providing the tools and services to help learners, teachers, parents, school management and districts, as well as municipal, provincial and national education departments make a positive impact.

Pearson is the world's largest education company, with a presence in over 70 countries. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge from which to draw that we can apply to South Africa. Of course, every country is different, and South Africa has its own unique challenges and educational requirements, and by playing an active part in the country's education system, we understand this well. In the pages of this magazine, you'll find a lot of detail about the different parts of our story; how, through the publication of textbooks, direct delivery through education institutions, and e-education, we're helping to get learners ready for life, work and self actualisation, such as Andani Masikhwa. Andani graduated from MGI with a BSc Computer Science (Cum Laude). He has strong belief that MGI played a key part in helping turn his life around. "I can't underestimate the role of MGI in my formation as an individual and preparing me for work life. It's here where I learned to understand the value of academic success and the importance of my skills development. The tertiary years were an essential part of my life: it taught me to be social, work hard and to take onus of my life. MGI really prepared me well for the job market and the IT industry. When I went for an interview I was able to relate and answer all the questions that were being posed to me. MGI has prepared me to work diligently and to act professionally."

Andani is just one of many young people that, through our different learning and education offerings, Pearson is helping to get ready for work and life.

The world is changing and changing fast; the skills needed in this modern world have also moved on, especially with the arrival of digital technologies. By reading through the stories, you'll find how the various parts of Pearson are supporting the evolving needs of our education system and its learners.

We have an exciting story to tell. I hope that by reading about the assorted aspects of Pearson, you will discover how we're helping to play our part in improving the outcomes and lives of many South Africans. Through this gained knowledge, as Madiba said, we believe they will help to change their lives, the lives of those around them and help to uplift South Africa, or, indeed, the world.

Ursula Ndhlovu


Pearson Q1 2016

Moving into the future


Welcome to Pearson, South Africa’s first ever internal magazine written especially for you. We thought we’d end off 2015 with an overview of the different developments in each key business area as well as a peek into the various business units’ plans to attain their objectives for the year to come. 

Within the pages of this publication, Pearson South Africa CEO Riaan Jonck talks about the group successes of 2015 and the great strides that Pearson South Africa intends to make in 2016. As the way that people consume information evolves, Pearson keeps pace by constantly updating the way that we deliver knowledge to learners. Our striving to remain at the forefront of trends assures Pearson’s position as a leading education provider in South Africa, and indeed the world. 

We take a look at the trends and insights that Pearson is seeing on the frontline of Learning Services, and how these are being implemented in learning materials as well as within the company itself. 

The article about Human Resources at Pearson South Africa outlines the changes that the company has undergone over the past year and how the restructuring is for the ultimate good of the business. 

There’s also discussion around the #feesmustfall campaign and the impact that it had on the MGI and CTI campuses. The campaign resulted in a rethink about how fees would be structured for 2016, and this article explains the thinking behind this. 

We move on to take a look at the policy space that Pearson South Africa operated in during 2015, and the role that Corporate Affairs played in addressing the key issues that arose. There’s also discussion around the impact that these had on our customers and partners, and how this was managed. 

The past year was a difficult one financially for Pearson South Africa, but the Finance and Operations business unit implemented cost streamlining measures that bode well for the company in 2016. 

Technology is core to everything that Pearson does, and the Technology business saw 2015 as a watershed year, with great things to come in 2016 that will enable even better delivery of content to learners. 

All of the above hinge off Sales, and the past year has seen increasing focus on customer satisfaction, key to which is ongoing interaction with customers to establish exactly what they want and need. Our success over the past year is testimony to the success of this strategy, which is expected to stand Sales in good stead into 2016. 

We’ve also dedicated six pages to Seen on the scene, a social section. This is largely a visual feature with photographic and brief editorial coverage of key Pearson events, showing our colleagues at their best and having fun. Also featuring colleagues is In the spotlight, which profiles several Pearson South Africa employees and tells readers a little bit more about them and their lives. 

We hope that you enjoy reading about our company.

Ursula Ndhlovu 
