How the trust works

Equity in education

Understanding and overcoming barriers to learning

Not everyone has the same access to learning. Education can have a completely different meaning depending on where you live and what your background is. But at Pearson we believe in the power of learning and want to help everyone get access to quality life-long learning. It’s why we are contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which calls for inclusive education and lifelong opportunities for all by 2030.

Read the World Economic Forum’s latest assessment

Read UNESCO’s assessment

Marang Education Trust, in partnership with Pearson focuses on building capacity within the education system to enable and support the meaningful implementation of the Department of Basic Education’s policies. The emphasis is on promoting a learning-centred, participatory, problem-solving approach to teaching and learning.

The team is collectively responsible for organisational strategy which is evidence-based and all staff are involved in making decisions that drive the implementation on the ground.

In January 2019, a new four-year support cycle in 85 deep rural and township schools was implemented. Baseline assessments were administered at the beginning of each cycle to identify schools’ specific support needs in four key areas:

  • Community Factors
  • Attitudes and relationships
  • Learner performance
  • Teaching, learning and assessment
  • Leadership and management